Speaking at the Amar Rajput Chatravas in Nagaur, Dhananjai Singh began by congratulating Chakravati Singh and Aman Singh Rathore from qualifying in the most difficult examination in the country and bringing pride to the nation.
He emphasized on the fact that the competitive environment among the youth in the urban/ semi urban areas need to percolate into the villages so that the real India benefits from better education.
Dhananjai urged the senior members of the community and all public representatives to keep the people well informed of the many people friendly govt. schemes. Addressing the youth present, he said that Digital India is a massive platform to capitalize on the vast knowledge resources of the internet and the youth must shun the cobwebs of unscientific thoughts and illiteracy.
He ended his speech with the hope that every year more are more Rajput officers will contribute to the administration of the Govt. in different parts of India.